Sunday, February 21, 2010

Starcraft 2 Beta: Day 1 + Video on Demand/Streams

So it has begun. I've been gifted a Starcraft 2 beta account, by way of Ebay and have started playing games. I'll have commentary about my horrible APM (Actions Per Minute), poor economy and bad strategies as I get more games in along with details regarding my practice games and qualifying games.

In the mean time, I strongly recommend checking out the following sites to feed your Starcraft 2 jitters. For the past week I've been watching these players (who are among the best) and it's quite entertaining. They do things so fast, and key things so well, it'll take a lot of practice to get to that level (or even close, for me.) (on the middle/top right) (search for starcraft 2)

I'll be working on streaming with X-fire or Livestream in the next few days, so you can see the learning curve in action.

Friday, February 19, 2010

From World of Warcraft to Starcraft II

Short introduction and my gaming experience: My name is Ben ("Viia") and most recently I've been a competitive WoW player. I've raided and as arena was released, I got a fresh taste for competitive gaming. I've gotten gladiator multiple times and have held top 10 spots on 3 different battlegroups in 2v2 and 3v3.

I was a vintage Starcraft player... which led to Diablo and Diablo II. I was bitten by the MMORPG bug somewhere along the way and like many players who've experienced an MMO, I've found it hard to play any other type of games. PS3, PC, XBOX- any games PERIOD I just haven't found as "fulfilling" as an MMO. For those that haven't played MMOs, it's hard to explain. It's a bit like trying to have fries with no ketchup. They're tasty, but not quite as good. Maybe it's more like Frodo and his ring? Bernie Madoff and other peoples money? Illegal drugs and drug addicts? Yeah. You didn't hear it here first.

On to the mission statement. World of Warcraft and Starcraft II are two different genres. My commentary above is a small lead-in to what I want to accomplish. I want this site to be the "How to transition" from MMO-to-RTS. Real-time Strategy games aren't for everyone, but for those of you who are venturing outside of the WOW world in search of competitive gaming or just a good time, this will be where it's at. WoW has introduced gaming to millions of people out there, hopefully Starcraft 2 will share that player base. I plan on posting my experiences with the Starcraft 2 Beta (once I receive my invitation) and more importantly, Starcraft 2 as it hits the shelves.

My style. I'm not a follower. I'm not a "let's build a depot on 9, barracks on 11 because Team Liquid said that's how we should do it." I'm more into experimentation, trying to break the curve rather than see where I place within it. If none of this makes sense to you, then good... you and I are in the same boat, we'll learn as we go.